Links for quarantine entertainment, education, and family conversations
Jazz Session Conductor Drew Zaremba's YouTube page
Pacific Symphony- Watch+Listen At-home-together
Ongoing free concerts from the Seattle Symphony performances that provide strength, comfort and joy
Opera- At-home Gala- Ongoing variety of streaming opportunities
Variety of Music Games from The Music Lab
19 games for family bonding during COVID-19
Play together to create powerful memories and life skills
Download over 300,000 books from the New York Public Library for free
Audible is making hundreds of titles available for free during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read-Alouds & Activities
Some of these live readings have passed, but many of the home pages have upcoming events.
Some Good News with John Krasinski
Netflix Party lets friends have movie nights while social distancing
Meditate with some nice, only mildly creepy jellyfish
Visual Art
Online drawing lessons for kids
10 University Art Classes You Can Take for Free Online
General Courses
Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free
Great course- 1 month free trial
Mental Health & Covid19 Conversations
Coping with COVID Youth and - Teen Mental Health
How to talk to teens about the new coronavirus
How to answer 7 big questions kids have about the coronavirus pandemic
Helping Children and Teens Cope with Anxiety About COVID-19
Uniclef- 8 tips to help comfort and protect children through Covid19
Virtual Field Trips
Over 30 Virtual Field Trips with Links
Take a Virtual Tour of 30 World-Class Museums & Safely Visit 2 Million Works of Fine Art
Just for laughs
Furloughed sports commentator starts covering scenes from everyday life
YMCA launches 60 free online classes for people stuck at home
Random Things we Enjoy
The Deconstruction is a creative collaboration event held online - and in real life. Before the event, a topic is released for our participants (you!) to explore (deconstruct!). Then, during a 48-hour window you re-imagine the topic and create something completely new with resources you already have.
You’re bringing something into the world that did not exist before! It can be a work of art, a performance, an invention. It can be fun, it can be serious, it can be both!
Bob Baker- Weekly puppet shows- puppet making videos free and paid activities